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Evaporation at maxiumum speed is boiling.

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Q: What is a liquid doing when it is evaporating as fast as it can?
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When water changes from a liquid to a gas it doing what?

Evaporating. This is a change of state. Boiling is just a fast form of evaporation.

What happens to a liquid when it is evaporating as fast as it can?

it is boiling

What are the particles doing if water is evaporating?

Liquid water is transformed in gaseous water.

How are meting and evaporating different?

melting(not meting i supose)=solid to liquid evaporating=liquid to gas ;)

How evaporation causes cooling 6 examples?

In a given liquid, the atoms or molecules which are moving the fastest, and hence have the highest temperature, are the ones that are most likely to leave the liquid and evaporate. The atoms or molecules that they leave behind will therefore be cooler. Examples: evaporating water evaporating alcohol evaporating liquid nitrogen evaporating glycerol evaporating liquid helium evaporating acetone.

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Is liquid evaporating a chemical or physical change?

physical change, its molecules are gaining energy and evaporating

What are particles doing if a liquid is evaporating?

The simple answer is "bumping into each other".In collision theory, as the particles move about near the surface of the liquid, occassionally, a pair will crash into each other with enough force, and at the proper angle as to create the escape momentum required to allow the molecule to eject through the surface tension and become airborn.Read more: What are the particles doing when a liquid is evaporating? | Answerbag this helps (:

What is it called when you change gas to liquid?

Boiling or Evaporating

What are two ways gas can vaporize into a liquid?

boiling and evaporating

What is an example of the liquid to gas change equilibrium?

Evaporating and condensing.