

What is a list in HTML?

Updated: 4/14/2023
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10y ago

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A list in HTML defines a collection of items. List can be ordered (OL) or Unordered (UL).

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Q: What is a list in HTML?
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In HTML markup the square in a List is:In CSS the CSS Sheet would include this for a square List item:ul.square {list-style-type: square;}

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Link below

How many HTML Lists?

Lists in HTML are of 2 types i.e. UL and OL. UL defines the unordered list whereas OL defines ordered list.

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What does the code li mean?

list item. it is the child of either <ul> - unordered list, or <ol> - ordered list in html

What is the full form of li in HTML?

It stands for List Item.

Where can one find a list of special characters in HTML?

One can find a list of special characters in HTML when one goes to the website of the University of Texas. There is a special page entitled "HTML characters". There one can find the special characters as well as their meanings.

Where can I read a guide online to learn how to use HTML?

A google search led me to the website It is a list of easy, helpful html tags for beginners.

What is a tag List 10 HTML tag?

There are various tags in HTML that can be used. 10 of them are: p, a, br, head, body, html, title, script, link, style.

According to the W3C HTML list elements may never be nested?

False. It is very possible to nest HTML list elements. Actually, The W3C actually recommends you nest HTML list elements for many reasons - to include a larger range of browser support, larger range of operating system support, and such.