

What is a logical formula?

Updated: 12/15/2022
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Q: What is a logical formula?
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Logical formulas will have some sort of comparison or condition in them. They will result in a TRUE or FALSE value. They will use some of the comparison operators like the greater than symbol and the less than symbol. They may use some of the logical functions, most commonly the IF function, but also others like AND, NOT and OR.

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a formula is an equation, rule, principle, or other logical relation. The pipe lateral formula is Ao equals external pipe surface area (feet 2 per feet pipe).

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Warsaw,30.04.2008 Logical division Logical division is inverse logical operation - it is the inverse of the logical multiplication (logical AND). More

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The three parks that would give me answers all said there was no formula as such, but when city land taxes went up, then pad rents had to go up. This seems logical to me.

Logical function works with what values in Excel?

A logical function can in theory work with any kind of value. In the process it will have to get a boolean value, which is True or False, to perform the logic on. So it can do things like compare words or numbers or dates, which will result in a true or false value. These could be in cells referenced in the formula or as values in the formula. So you could have something like the ones that follow, each using the logical function IF:=IF(A1>A2,"Higher","Lower")=IF("Hello"="Hallo","Same","Different")=IF(20>=50,"Bigger","Smaller")

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We would logically expect calcium and fluorine to combine, since calcium is strongly metallic (donates electrons) and fluorine is very strongly non-metallic (receives electrons). The actual formula is CaF2.

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