

What is a longitudinal sensor?

Updated: 12/4/2022
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Q: What is a longitudinal sensor?
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Is a sound wave a transverse wave or longitudinal wave?

Sound waves are longitudinal.

What is longitudinal evaluation?

Longitudinal evaluation is a research method that involves tracking the same set of individuals or groups over an extended period to observe changes or outcomes. This method allows researchers to analyze developments, patterns, or trends over time, providing a comprehensive understanding of the subject being studied. Longitudinal evaluations are beneficial for identifying causal relationships and understanding how variables evolve over time.

Is ultrasound a transverse or longitudinal wave?

Sound, at least in gases like air, can only propagate as a longitudinal wave.

Longitudinal in a sentence?

The study followed a group of individuals over a 10-year period to analyze changes in their cognitive abilities, which is an example of a longitudinal study.

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A wave must be transverse or longitudinal or both.

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Longitudinal is vibration in the direction of the wave.

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A longitudinal survey is a research method that involves collecting data from the same group of participants over an extended period. This allows researchers to track changes and trends within the group over time. Longitudinal surveys are often used to study development, behavior, or other changes that occur over the course of a lifetime.

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