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Presbycusis is a gradual loss of sensorineural hearing that occurs as the body ages (presby means old age and -cusis means hearing)

Neuroscience studies have found that as we age, our cochlear tends to lose the ability to detect very high frequency sounds.

There is a sound you can search for that only people under the age of 25 can hear. It is called 'the mosquito' and it was used in some countries to deter youths from loitering at night time. It was found to be contradictory to the Declaration of Human Rights and ceased.

From what I understand, the more you damage your ear drums through frequent exposure to high volume music, the more you ear drum 'oval window' loses its ability to transduce sound into the neural electrical signal that we know as hearing. Hearing aids are quite effective nowadays in amplifying sound, so unless you have some sort of degenerative hearing disease, hearing can be restored.

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9y ago

It is the slow loss of hearing that occurs as people get older. Presbycusis is an age related

hearing loss. It becomes more common in people as they get older. People with this kind of hearing loss may have a hard time hearing what others are saying or may be unable to stand loud sounds.

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12y ago

Presbycusis and presbyopia, respectively.

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Q: What is a loss of hearing due to aging?
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What causes hearing loss?

There are many causes of hearing loss, including injury, infection, exposure to loud sounds, and aging.

Could aging cause hearing loss?

Yes, hearing loss often is a condition caused by ageing.

How can you differentiate between age related hearing loss and neurosensory hearing loss?

Age related hearing loss or Presbycusis, is describing a possible cause of hearing loss that is best attributed by aging as the "possible cause". Sensorineural hearing loss is a description of a type of hearing loss determined by a hearing test. Confusing? Well, the easiest way is to describe it is : determine your age? can you best descibed as a older person? We can use a example, you may be you over 60 years old and have just had a hearing test and it has been been determined that you have a gradual decline in your hearing that is sensorinueral in nature. It may be described as a sign of aging hearing loss and you may need a hearing aid. Sensorineral hearing loss, however can affect anyone at any age, at any time suddenly or long term decline in your hearing. A easier way to understand is needing reading glasses as you get older, aging hearing loss means your hearing is changing do to possible age related conditions and a hearing aid can provide help to understand speech such as reading glasses helps with reading. You can still hear and you can still see, but not as well as you used to so a little help can make a world of difference. "Sensorineural" hearing loss is a description of hearing loss that is based on the area affected is the hearing nerves located in the inner ear (cochlea) loss. A hearing test can determine the type of loss and Hearing losses can decribed of three types Conductive-which means something is wrong with the mechanical parts of the hearing process. A example is a hole in the eardrum. Sensorineural- which means something wrong with the electrical parts of the hearing process. A example like measles. Mixed- is a combined hearing loss in both parts of the hearing process. Next step is to determine the possible cause of the hearing loss, in most cases there may be no obivious reason. So, Presbycusis may be used as possible cause and description of what would be reasonable and expected for a aging person. As we get older, we notice that a lot of body parts wear out from use and changes that we go through are more pronounced. For example. skin cuts may take longer to heal, knees and hips joints wear out, short term memory becomes less sharp. With the ears the hearing nerve cells (which we think, do not replace themselves) become worn out and become less dense or sparse just like the hair on the head of a older person. We understand that all parts of the hearing system wear out from use such as the eardrum, hearing bones, hearing nerves and most important of all the hearing part of the brain, that is the ability to understand speech and sound. All together that adds up to hearing loss due to aging.

Can there be hearing loss due to eating too much?


How do you get hearing loss?

There can be many reasons for hearing loss like genetic problem, disease or infection aging or head trauma or exposure to loud sound. The best way to avoid hearing loss is to try to remain safe using ear plug or safety muffs when encountering loud sound.Hearing loss can occur for a number of reasons. It can be the result of a genetic problem that affects the ear, disease and infection, aging, trauma to the ear or head, and exposure to loud sound.

Most cases of hearing loss are caused by?

Presbycusis. This is an idiopathic, insidious, symmetrical decline in hearing that is associated with aging.

A loss of hearing due to an emotional conflict is called?

conversion disorder

Can Homeopathic Medicine Heal hearing loss Due to Old Age?


If someone has mild hearing loss and does not use a hearing aid will this accelerate further hearing loss?

AnswerA hearing aid will not accelerate your hearing loss or improve the underlying condition. You hearing loss could progress due to age, genetics, noise or medications but not the hearing aid.Ok but does using an aid have any effect on further loss in other words if not using an aid does a condition deteriorate quicker than if wearing one?

What are the causes of hearing loss?

The causes of hearing loss are Exposure to loud noise Heredity Head Trauma Aging Meniere's Disease and so on. People working under noisy environment must undergo regular hearing tests. The Art of Hearing is one of the digital hearing aid provider which conducts free online hearing tests. So regular hearing tests can prevent hearing loss.

Why do I have buzzing and hearing loss in my ear after a loud noise?

due to nerve fatigue.

How is mild hearing loss treated in children?

Usually it isn't. When hearing loss becomes bothersome or problematic, then a hearing aid may be used. In children there can be temporary mild hearing loss due to ear infections (especially otitis media). After antibiotic treatment, normal hearing (or, at least, hearing that was normal for that person before the infection) will return.