

What is a male tortoise called?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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super tortoise !!!!!! go go Power Rangers something along those lines

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Q: What is a male tortoise called?
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Can you nuter a tortoise?

If the tortoise is male, you can neuter it, but have a veterinarian do it.

Is the last Galapagos Tortoise a male or female?

The last Galapagos tortoise is a male. His name is Lonesome George.

Is DiCaprio's pet a male or a female?

His pet tortoise is a male.

What is baby tortoise called?

A Tortoise.

How does a a male tortoise impregnate a female?

by mounting it

What should I call my male tortoise?


Something purple has just appeared from the back end of your male tortoise what is it?

its a male !!!!! what is it? the tortoise appeared to be straining, it was purple and fleshy about 1 inch long?

Do female tortoise give birth to baby tortoise?

I just discovered today after I thought the tortoise was male that it is female. The tortoise is about 8-9 years. I was just wondering if female tortoise's can lay eggs without a male and what age would it be? Thanks

Can a large Yellow footed tortoise live with a small red foot tortoise?

Yes, it is perfectly fine as long as it is not a male and a male because they might be territorial

Who is the author of the hare and the lion?

there is no book called the hare and the tortoise but there is a book called the tortoise and the hare

How Big does a male star tortoise get?

Around 10 inches.

What is the top of a tortoise shell called?

The top is called the carapace and the bottom is called the plastron.