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a conductor

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A material that will carry an electric current is called a conductor. Conductor materials have high electrical conductivity, allowing the flow of electric charges with minimal resistance. Examples of conductors include metals such as copper, aluminum, and silver.

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Q: What is a material that will carry an electric current called?
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What do you call a material that wont carry an electric current?

An insulator

What part of a circuit is the wire cable or switch?

Wire is the transition material used to carry the electric current; the switch is the controller of that current.

What does an electric current Carry?

Electric current carries electric charge. Actually to say it in the right sense, we have to say that electric current is the rate of flow of electric charges

What does conductor mean in science?

It means that it's a material whose outer shell electrons move freely across the surface of the material. Conductors can carry an electric current

What is the energy associated with electric current is called?

Moving electrons possess kinetic energy, but the energy you are referring to is called electricity

What matter has the ability to carry an electric current?

An electrical conductor has the ability to carry an electric current. Most of the best conductors are metals such as copper. Water containing ions can also conduct an electric current (which lead-acid batteries rely on)

Electric current in a metal conductor is carried by?

Electric current in a metal conductor is carried by a wire. This wire has been specifically adapted to carry this current.

Why do materials carry current?

Materials carry current because of the way the electrons of the material behave. Current is proportional to the number of electrons. If the electrons are loosely bound on the material then they are available to carry current along the material. Copper is a common metal who's configuration means that the electrons are loosely bound and as such is very good at carrying current. If on the other hand the electrons are tightly packed into the atoms in the material then they aren't available to carry current. Materials such as glass and plastic are good examples.

Why are two wires used to carry electric current instead of a single wire?

It takes two wires to complete a circuit. They are commonly called a positive and negative. Without a flow of electricity both in and out of an electric item, there will no be a circuit and the item will not work.

Does copper wire carry electric current?

It is a conductor & common in wiring.

Why do ionics compounds dissolved in water conduct an electric current?

When an ionic compound dissolves in water there are free ions which move and carry electric current.

How is the electric current carry through the solution of the ionic compounds?

by moving the ions