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Q: What is a mature and fertilized ovule a flowers b fruit c pollen d seed?
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What is a mature ovary of a flowering plant called?

The ovary is located at the bottom near the stem. The ovary contains ovules that when fertilized by pollen in will turn into a seed. The ovary will then turn into a fruit or shell.

How do you use the word pollen in a sentence?

Pollen is the plant version of semen. Here are some sentences.Pollen fertilized the flower, and a fruit grew.The bee collected pollen as it sipped the nectar inside the flower.I am allergic to pollen.

What parts of a plant makes seed?

part of a plant makes the seeds.

Do ferns have fruit?

Most fern has seed, but a very little produce fruit.

What is the function of flower?

The normal flower has three basic functions:1. It provides a platform for the sexual reproductive system of the plant (androecium - male and gynoecium - female) - both monoecious and diecious flowers. Within the flower pollen and ovules are produced normally through the process of meiosis.Pollination takes place and ovules form into seeds, with the swollen ovary normally forming into a fruit (or seed pod). Flowers are a feature normally associated with angiosperms, and cones characteristic of gymnosperms.2. It provides a mechanism to attract pollinators to facilitate pollination (petals) - monoecious flowers and diecious flowers. Flowers provide a visual attractant to many pollinators (insects, birds, animals etc.), this is also sometimes in conjunction with a scented attractant such as nectar. These sensory "lures" attract insects which then transfer pollen between the flowers and facilitate pollination (either cross pollination or self pollination).3. It provides a platform for fertilized ovules to develop and be distributed as fruit and seeds - monoecious flowers and female diecious flowers only.Monoecious = having both sexes (male and female) on the same flowerDiecious = having separate sexed flowers (male flowers and female flowers)

Related questions

What does the word pollen mean?

Pollen is the powdery sustance which forms on the stamens of flowers. When transfered to the pistil (either by gravity or the action of bees or other insects) the pistil is fertilized and a fruit will form.

What do flowers mature into?

Flowers mature into fruits, which contain seeds for reproduction. The fertilized ovary of the flower develops into the fruit, enclosing and protecting the seeds within. The process of flower maturation into fruits is essential for plant reproduction and dispersal of seeds.

What is a mature ovary of a flowering plant called?

The ovary is located at the bottom near the stem. The ovary contains ovules that when fertilized by pollen in will turn into a seed. The ovary will then turn into a fruit or shell.

Can male flowers bear fruits?

None that I know of. If there are any, they are the exception rather than the rule. The female flowers have the ovary part which gets fertilized by the pollen from the male flower, and this ovary then enlarges to form a fruit.

Where the fruit and seeds come from in the papaya plant?

The fruit come from the flowers. After the flowers are fertilized the fruit and the seeds inside, develop. This is the same for any fruit.

What do you mean by fruiting bud?

Some buds are for leaves and some buds are for flowers. Flowers that are fertilized become fruit.

Are flying foxs insectivores?

No, they are herbivores. They eat fruit, flowers, nectar, and pollen.

Do flowers protect the seeds or fruit?

After pollination, fertilization takes place. then the ovaries grow into fruits and ovules grow into seeds. That Is All.

If there is no female flower can the male flower turn into a fruit why?

The stamen in the flowers (the little things that poke out of the middle of the petals) have pollen on them and when bees come along they collect that pollen and as they fly along to different plants and flowers it drops the pollen which is what fertilizes the flowers.

How do flowers help a plant?

Flowers aid a plant in reproducing. Bees come and get pollen from a flower, and in the prosess take pollen from the male part of a flower and it is then placed on the female part. The pollen then produces a pollen tube and will soon become fruit or seeds.

How do olives reproduce?

Olives reproduce like any other fruit - you get flowers, you get pollen, you get bees. Voila! Fruit. Like any other tree fruit, like apples for instance, the trees produce flowers, they are pollinated, and fruit is produced from the flowers.

What Flowering plants are?

Angiosperms. Produce flowers, ovules are produced within a closed ovary, pollen is produced in anthers. Fertilization takes place within the ovary, ovules mature into seed and the ovary matures into a fruit.