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A migraine headache is a neurological disorder and a specific primary headache classification. There are 4 stages to a migraine attack:

  1. Prodrome
  2. Aura
  3. Pain/headache
  4. Resolution/Postdrome

A migraine attack may contain any one or more of these stages.

Pain is usually one-sided and throbbing and can range from mild to incapacitating, lasting hours to days. A Migraine lasting over 3 days is called status migrainousus and is considered an emergency.

The pain of migraine is only part of an attack however, as migraines actually herald a whole host of changes to the entire body.

There are two main types of migraine acknowledged by the International Headache Society, but there are many sub-categories which may be used to help identify the patient's particular symptoms. The two main types are: migraine without aura (used to be called common migraine), and migraine with aura (used to be called classic migraine).

Other types of migraine diagnoses a patient may receive are:

  • Retinal migraine (migraine with aura in one eye)
  • Hemiplegic migraine (a type of migraine with aura)
  • Migraine with brainstem aura (used to be called basilar artery migraine)
  • Acephalgic migraine (migraine without pain)
  • Transformed migraine (migraine that had an episodic pattern, now with chronic pattern)
  • Chronic migraine (migraine and headache 15 days or more per month)
  • Vestibular migraine (migraine with vertigo)
  • Abdominal migraine
  • Complicated migraine (migraine with aura and stroke-like symptoms)

Migraines are usually triggered by environmental and other factors that change the homeostasis of the body/brain of the patient. Triggers often include:

  • red wine
  • MSG, Aspartame, nitrites and other food additives
  • weather
  • caffeine
  • menstruation
  • dehydration
  • changes in sleep pattern
  • changes in normal eating pattern
  • medications
  • physical exertion
  • bright lights
  • strong smells
  • loud noise
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9y ago
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16y ago

Migraines begin as a spreading cortical depression. This is a wave of lowered activity that crosses over the entire cerebral cortex. This spreading darkness is what can alter mood during the prodrome phase, stimulate the visual cortex to cause an aura, and trigger the chemical changes that cause the dilation of blood vessels in the brain, causing intense pain.

The location of the pain of a migraine attack is purely individual. Some people develop migraines only on one side. Some people end up experiencing pain on both. For some people that one-sided pain is located in the temple, for others it seems it is sitting on the eyeball, or coming down from the top of the head into the middle. There are people who experience occipital migraines, such as those who have Basilar Artery Migraines, where the pain begins, and sometimes remains, in the base of the skull. Migraines are also caused due to a kind of Jaw dis-function. It is medically termed as Temporomandibular Jaw (TMJ) problem. This can be cured by rearranging the jaw position if it is misaligned. Migraine could also cause due to misalignment in vertebrate. Please consult a physician in either cases to get a clear understanding of the problem.

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11y ago

A Migraine is a genetic, neurological disease/disorder in which headache frequently, although not always, is a component. Migraine is not a headache.

A headache is a non-specific symptom of pain in the region of the head. There are over 300 different headache disorders, both primary and secondary.

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9y ago

Generally speaking, the widening of blood vessels in the head (brain). So your next question should be, "What makes the brain's blood vessels enlarge?"

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13y ago

The top part. xD

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An abdominal migraine is a variant of migraine in which the pain occurs in the stomach rather than the head.

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A pain in the head is a headache. A severe form is a migraine headache.

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If you are getting a migraine just from simply turning your head to the left, you need to seek medical attention. You might have a pinched nerve or something more serious going on.

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How can you get rid of a migraine without medication?

There is a few ways to get rid of a migraine without taking medication. You can try taking a warm rag and covering your head.

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It is part of the migraine. Recently read of a possible fix: put your feet in very warm water; put ice on your head. This increases circulation to your head and may make the migraine go away.

Can you have a one sided migraine?

With most migraines, the pain is on one side of the head.

What does it mean when you have a sharp pain in your head in ur sinuses?

Possibly a migraine headache?

What type of doctor to see for head-pain on left-side?

Head pain is a vague symptom. For appropriate diagnosis and treatment of Migraine and headache disorders, seek the help of a qualified, board certified Migraine and headache specialist.

Can migrains kill?

A migraine is a constriction of blood vessels, which causes pain and loss of sight and etc. So no, any trauma to a person's head which kills them is not a migraine.

What does it mean when you vomit blood and have a migraine?

Changes in vision and nausea and vomiting are all common symptoms of migraine headaches known as Classic Migraine, or Migraine with Aura. Not all people have migraines with those symptoms, but many people do. If you normally get migraines and suddenly have a change where your head pain is accompanied by new symptoms, it is always wise to get it checked out by a physician. If your "migraine" is right after a recent head injury and you begin to have symptoms such as blurred vision and vomiting, you need to go to the emergency room, as you may have a closed head injury such as a concussion or bleed to the brain.

What happens when you throw up and your head is hurting?

You could have a migraine. You should consult your physician.