

What is a mild case of parvo?

Updated: 11/12/2022
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11y ago

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My puppy went to the pound it got sick I thoughy it was because I let her tap my 40 but it wasnt then I thought it was a posinous plant the vet said it was parvo she got it from the pound after the dog catcher picked her up the pound got offensive just because we were letting them no she had it and it was in there facility.

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Why doesn't parvo VIRUS attack humans?

Parvo virus does affect humans and although it usually is a mild disease it can be very serious in young children

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no, horses can't get parvo, parvo is a disease that puppies get.

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How do cats get parvo?

In animals, parvo passes from an infected mother to her offspring. Parvo is highly contagious. Most animals with Parvo will die before 6 weeks old.

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No, parvo is a virus, not a worm.

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No, horses do not contract parvo.

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Yes, you can.

Can animals and small rodents get parvo?

The above answer is totally incorrect-It is IMPOSSIBLE to catch parvo from another species! Cats cannot get parvo. They can catch what is called Feline Distemper which is like parvo, but it only happens in cats, they cannot catch it from anything else besides cats, and it is not actually parvo. Same thing with Rodents- rodents can catch something that is "like" parvo but it is not the actual parvo virus.To sum this up only canines can get parvo.

Can a male who had parvo pass parvo sexually?

Parvo is highly contagious. So if the infected dog was near a dog that wasn't vaccinated against parvo, it is possible to infect the healthy dog whether it was sexual contact or not.

Can you make something to cure parvo?

No. The best thing to do for your dog if they have parvo is to take them to the veterinarian. Parvo usually requires intense medical treatment, and even then the patient does not make it sometimes.

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