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Q: What is a military walk?
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How does the military walk go?

You need the Colonel Bogey record

Why does the military use and abuse animals in their training?

The military is involved with nasty people. In fact the military deals with horrible people. The military has animals walk through a mine field. The dogs walk through the mine field. It blows up the dog. The military prefers to have the bomb blow up the dog instead of a human being. They train animals how to walk through mine fields so when they come to the real thing, the animal will know how to walk through the mine field. Unlike the enemy, the American Military prefers to blowing up animals to people.

Why is it a rule not to walk on the grass in the military?

Because the shoes will get!!

What is the name of the movie showing the military wedding in The Wedding Planner?

The movie that is showing the military weddings in The Wedding Planner is Flirtation Walk.

Can you walk onto Lackland AFB?

of course not you have to have a military id or a pass. There is guards everywhere

How do I apply for the U.S. military as an immigrant from the UK?

Once you have a valid and lawful immigration status, you can probably walk into any military recruiting office and sign up.

Without the uniform how can you tell that someone is in the military?

haircut, confident walk, badge, good posture

What did the military do in ancient China?

The Ancient Chinese Army would walk around cities protecting and looking for outlaws.

How can I avoid military recruiters at malls?

Military Recruitiers typically look for recurits in public places such as malls. To avoid one at the mall simply walk the other way or tell them you are not interested.

How do you get the military guys armor in assassins creed 2?

There is a certain mission where you put on the guards armor and walk to meet the spaniard

If retiring from military what is a good reason on job application?

If you have retired from the military honorably then it is reasonable to say that you had enjoyed your time in the military but never saw it as your final career option, just a means of getting experience that you could never get in any other walk of life.

What does March mean?

Marched is the past tense of march, which means to walk in a military manner with a regular measured tread.