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A hatchery uses mineral block that is similar to milk block. People who raise chicken find this method more humane than debeaking.

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Q: What is a milk block that is used to stop chickens from pecking each other?
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What do chickens talk about with each other?

Most of a chickens life consists of arguments of "who is better than who" in the pecking order.

Why do chickens peck sick or injured chickens?

Chickens peck at each other to establish who has dominance over the other. It is called the pecking order. Sick or injured birds offer changes to the established order and their place on the flock hierarchy. The aggression by the other chickens is showing they are moving up at the expense of the weaker bird.

Why are the chickens pecking each others bottom and how to stop it?

Because they are molting or they are at the bottom of the pecking order and I would take them out of the flock but then after they return the flock will treat it badly and the pecking order will change and it might be messy.

Do baby chickens fightwe have 5 chicks just need to know if they will fight each other they or 2 of them appear sometimes to just them two i would like a response they will be housed toghetherpleasei?

In general baby chickens will not fight each other this is depending on how old they are but I would bet that no fighting will take place some pecking and pulling may come about but remember there is a "pecking order." .... this is prinsesrau's answer... i don't think any harm would be on each other for the chicks( they might be roosters wich is not very abnormal) i have 13 chicks and they peck but again no harm done

Can the silkie bantam chickens live with the antwerp belgain chicken?

Yes, any breed of chicken can live with any other breed. They may peck each other, but this is normal for any chickens, they are establishing a pecking order. If you observe your hens closley, you can usually see who is head hen.

My birds are pecking at each other what does that mean?

They probably don't like being caged.

What are the breeds of chicken undergo beak trimming?

Most commercial breeds of chicken that are being raised in contact with other chickens have their beaks trimmed. This is because the social structure of chickens means that stronger chickens will often pick on weaker chickens by pecking them. This can cause serious damage. I have kept chickens and seen other people's chickens, and the elimination of the top chicken that bullies the others the worst, or the lowest chicken that is picked on, often has little effect - another chicken takes that place. This is where we get our term 'pecking order.' Beak clipping is done so that the chickens cannot bruise each other, pull out the feathers of the weaker hens and eat their eggs. It is worst with meat chickens that are kept in cramped sheds, and battery hens that live to produce eggs, stuffed three and four to tiny cages. It is a cruel practice that can often be discontinued amongst free-range outfits where the lower chicken density means that the weaker chickens are not constantly in contact with the bullying chickens.

Is a pecking order like a monarchy?

No it is not in a way, it's more like the the strongest are on top with the weaker chickens below. The top hen or usually the rooster if there is one among the flock will be the one to have the favored roosting spot at night, the first to drink and such. From time to time one of the other chickens will try to advance their position by fighting with a high ranked hen, but if they are raised together they usually will have sorted this out earlier. It's called pecking order because hens will peck at each other, sometimes to death, to prove their dominance.

How do chickens interact with each other on a farm?


Why would one cockatiel peck at another cockatiel head?

Cockatiels preen each other. This may appear as though thy are pecking at each other's heads.

Do chickens live is colinies?

Chickens prefer to live in flocks. A flock ideally has around 10-15 hens and 1-2 roosters. Chickens are very social animals with a strict hierarchy. The phrase "pecking order" comes to mind when one thinks about chickens! Because they are a domesticated animal, one can keep a flock of nearly any size as long as you have more than 1 chicken, as they get very lonely.Multiple roosters can be an issue if not separated as they will fight for the alpha male position constantly, sometimes killing each other. Hens usually have a spat to work out the pecking order and usually not fight again unless a new hen is added to the flock. Chickens are directly related to the jungle fowl of the asian rainforests and in the same genetic family as pheasants.

Do Spanish chickens speak Spanish to each other?

well think about it this way.. do chickens speak english to eachother? do they speak french to eachother? chickens are chickens. they dont speak.