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Mind maps are diagrams that show how ideas and topics are connected.

A mind map starts with a central topic - what the map is going to be about - as a keyword, image or phrase. That's easy. It's what comes next, the first layer of topics or keywords, that most often seems to be a barrier to those beginning mind maps, because a piece of paper or computer screen that is almost empty can sometimes give us a state of mind to match.

In answer to the question "Where do I start?" or "How do I decide what topics to put in the first layer of nodes?" here are some tips:

  1. Think about how the central topic may be subdivided - these sub-categories will usually be second-level topics, though perhaps not when mind mapping for creative solutions.
  2. Don't worry about having to change this first layer later. The process of mind mapping will often change your thinking about a topic, and require changes in the map.
  3. Use a parking list for topics that seem related, but don't have a clear place in the hierarchy yet. As they map develops you will generally see where to place them, and if you don't, it points to the need for more research, discussion, or just setting the remaining parked topics aside, for later review.
  4. Try the six traditional question-stubs, What? Where? When? Why? Who? and How? when applied to the central topic. Try the less traditional "for whom" as well. Do these questions provide useful suggestions for the first layer.
  5. It's topics that help you that matter. So if you are finding useful topics related to the central topic, you are on the right track.

What the nodes of a mind map represent may vary greatly depending on may be topics that are subdivisions of the central topic that your are analyzing, actions that need to be carried out for a project that you are planning, ideas generated in a creative session, topics to be covered in a presentation, and so on.

It is difficult to describe a diagram in words so look out for the examples of mind maps at WikIT, the mind mapping wiki here

Mind maps are used to assist learning, to help when thinking a topic through for planning or better understanding, and to improve the organization of information. You can find pointers to much more about their use, how to make them, and which to use in a variety of circumstances in the above-mentioned article.

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