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Q: What is a mirror that causes object to appear larger than it actually is?
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How would the eye perceive an image created by a concave mirror and by a convex mirror?

A concave mirror will focus an image and make it appear smaller. A convex mirror will disperse an image and make it appear larger.

Does your head appear bigger when you stand in front of a mirror?

If it is a perfectly flat mirror then it should appear the same size. However, if the mirror has any curve towards you, then the image's reflection can look larger than original.

How much larger will a room appear if one wall of the room consists of a larger plane mirror?

it will appear twice as large because you are also seeing a reflection of the room.

Why are objects in a passenger mirror larger than they appear?

The mirror is slightly convex (domed outward). This gives the mirror a larger viewing area. The trade-off for this larger viewing area is that objects seem smaller. One way to think about it is that you are viewing more stuff in the same size mirror. To fit more stuff in your view, the stuff you are viewing must be smaller.

Why do some decorators use plame mirror in small rooms?

it reflects light tricking the eye making it appear that the room is larger

Why some images on mirror appear to be erect?

Some images on a mirror usually appear erect because of the concave mirror.

Why do objects in rearview mirrors appear closer than they are?

The mirror is convexed so it sees a larger area. If you see a larger area in the same size mirror then it is reasonable to understand that things are smaller which corresponds to further away. So, you must mentally realize that they are closer.

Why does your image appear to be behind the mirror?

I guess it is because of preception.... if your standing about a metre away from the mirror... it will appear your reflection is a metre behind the mirror

What distance from the mirror does an image in a plane mirror appear to be?

Same distance behind mirror.

What shaped mirror gives a larger image?

A concave mirror

How do things appear when you are standing in front of a mirror?

you appear to be reflected

What is a make up mirror Concave or Convex?

I remember this answer by remembering the word 'cave' as in 'concave'. The answer is Concave.