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When Air Jordan Makes Money And Jumps Very High The Players Think Fearfully (of) Painful Blocked Lay-ups

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Q: What is a mnemonic device to remember first 16 presidents?
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What part of speech is mnemonic?

It is a noun and possibly an adjective. A mnemonic (noun form) is a memory aid. While it is redundant, you could refer to something as a mnemonic device. That would be using it as an adjective. For instance, if you want to remember the notes on the bass clef, remember the sentence "Gold Buttons Dress Fine Actors." The first letters of each word are the music notes for each line. Another example would be if you were making a speech and needed to remember your outline. One type of mnemonic would be to reduce each point into a single word. Then you take the first letter of each of those and either make them into a sentence using those words, or make those letters into a single word if you can.

What is it called when you make up a sentence using the same first letter of a set of words that you need to memorize?

That's a "mnemonic device."

What is the plural of vice president?

The possessive form of the plural noun vice presidents is vice presidents'.Example: We rarely remember the vice presidents' wivesunless they become first ladies.

What the mnemonic for doing parentheses in math problem?

I've heard PEMDAS as Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally, but all you have to remember is that parentheses are first.

What is the plural possessive of vice president?

The possessive form of the plural noun vice presidents is vice presidents'.Example: We rarely remember the vice presidents' wivesunless they become first ladies.

What tells you what operation to perform first?

Parentheses Exponents Multiplication and Division Addition and Subtraction All of these done left to right. Some people memorize it as PEMDAS and use a mnemonic device to remember it. Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally The UK equivalent is BIDMAS. B = Brackets I = Index

Which planet orbits the sun between Mars and Saturn?

The orbit of Jupiter is between the orbits of Mars and the asteroid belt and Saturn.A variation on a popular mnemonic device for remembering the order of the planets is "My very educated mother just served us nachos." The first letter of each word in the sentence is the first letter of one of the planets. The mnemonic device was originally "My very educated mother just served us nine pickles."

What is a mnemonic device for double entendres?

Mnemonic devices are jingles, songs, and other methods used to memorize things. For example, My Mother Eats Veggies could be a mnemonic device for remembering the first four planets of our solar system Mercury, Mars, Earth, and Venus.Double entendres are words, phrases, or sentences with a sub context (usually sexual). For example, "I'd like to wax her car" might be used literally or as the speaker's way of ever-so-subtly expressing his sexual attraction to a female.

How all mnemonic devices work?

Representing something you want to remember with something familiar

Is there a mnemonic device for the layers of the sun?

There is not a well known one. However you can make your own from the first letter of the layer [See related question]For the main layers "Can Pepsi can cola" might work.

What are the 8 planets in the Solar System - The Q?

In order outwards from the Sunthey are: Mercury, Venus, Earth,Mars,Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.To help you remember the order of the planets, remember this mnemonic device:"My very educated mother just served us nachos."The first letter of each word in the sentence is the first letter of the name of a planet in order starting closest to the sun:My --> Mercuryvery --> Venuseducated --> Earthmother --> Marsjust --> Jupiterserved --> Saturnus --> Uranusnachos --> Neptune

How do you create your own classification mnemonic device?

Just think up words that make up a sentence where each word starts with the first letter of each of the classification King Philip Came Over From Greece Saturday.... is commonly used to remember Kingdom, Phylum, Family, Order, Family, Genus, Species.