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Q: What is a mnemonic for the first letters of the compass points n e s w?
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Where did the compass come from?

The compass rose has appeared on charts and maps since the 1300's, the term comes from the figure's compass points that represent the petals of a rose. It was first used to indicate the direction of the wind and was known as a 'wind rose'. The 32 points on the compass came from the direction of the winds.

What does cardinal directions mean in Maps?

North, South, East, and West are the Cardinal DirectionsThe definition is one of the four principal compass points north, south, east, and west; also called cardinal point

Are acrostics and mnemonics the same?

An acrostic is a poem or message where the first letters in each line when read together make another word. A Mnemonic is an aide memoire, where you replace each letter in a word with a word. This means that an acrostic and a mnemonic could look identical, but they have completely different uses.

What was the first compass made out of?

the first compass was made from wood

What came first compass or caravel?

the compass came first

What part of speech is mnemonic?

It is a noun and possibly an adjective. A mnemonic (noun form) is a memory aid. While it is redundant, you could refer to something as a mnemonic device. That would be using it as an adjective. For instance, if you want to remember the notes on the bass clef, remember the sentence "Gold Buttons Dress Fine Actors." The first letters of each word are the music notes for each line. Another example would be if you were making a speech and needed to remember your outline. One type of mnemonic would be to reduce each point into a single word. Then you take the first letter of each of those and either make them into a sentence using those words, or make those letters into a single word if you can.

How many points do you get for using all your letters first in Words With Friends?

If you use your tiles first, you get the points from the tiles in your friend's rack added to your final score.From the official rules

What year was the first compass made?

the first compass was made in A.D. 1087

Where was the first compass invented in China?

the first compass was invented in Qiqihar,China

Who was compass?

well the first person to make the compass was the chinese.

Where was the first compass made?

the first compass was made in China around the Qing Dynasty's rule.