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Jaunita Hand

Lvl 13
1y ago
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• Propxqity Vibes •

Lvl 2
3y ago

electrical molecule

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Q: What is a molecule that has electrically charged area called?
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What is the center of an atom called what particles are found there?

The center of an atom is the nucleus. In it are the protons and neutrons. Protons are positively charged particles and neutrons are electrically neutral. Some forms of hydrogen don't have and neutrons which is an exception.

What is the area that surrounds an electric charged called?

The area that surrounds an electric charge is called an electric field. It exerts a force on other charged objects in the vicinity, either attracting or repelling them depending on their charge.

What are the dark marks on the sun?

Sun spots, its where the electrically charged particles on the suns surface cant pass the magnetic lines produced there and are thrown out in to space causing a cooler area which appears dark to us !

Which subatomic particle exists in the area of the nucleus and bears no electrical charge?

They are called the neutrons.They are not charged.

One effect of the magnetic lines of force around the earth is an area of charged particles called the?

The Aurora.

What is an area of charged particles that is formed as one effect of the magnetic lines of force around the earth called?

Such areas are called Van Allen belts.

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One effect of the magnetic lines of force around the earth is an area of charged particles called the what?

Van Allen belts

What is an electric discharge tar occurs between a positively charged area and a negatively charged area?

An electric discharge is a flow of electric current between two charged areas that have a potential difference. This can happen when electrons move from the negatively charged area to the positively charged area, creating a brief burst of energy in the form of light or heat, such as lightning during a storm.

What do people call it when molecules move from areas of high to areas of low concentration?

The movement of molecules from an area of high concentration of that molecule to an area of lower concentration is called simple diffusion.

The particular region of an enzyme molecule that combines with the substrate it acts upon is called what?

The region of an enzyme molecule that combines with the substrate is called the active site. This is where the substrate binds and the catalytic reaction takes place. The specific shape and chemical properties of the active site allow for the enzyme to interact with its substrate in a highly specific manner.

A molecule with a positive and a negative area is?
