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A mutual friend is someone who has one of your friends as a friend.

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Q: What is a mutral friend on Facebook?
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How do you list someone as a sibling on Facebook?

Mutral friend

What does mutual friend means in facebook?

it means friends in common or you share the same friends :) Example.....You and your friend danny (just go with it) is both friends with rebecca on facebook . rebecca is a mutral friend of danny:)

How can add friend's to mutual friend's?

you cant add friends to mutral friends , unless you add the other persons friends that arent mutral. okay that's hard to understand. mutral means : in common or the same . if you have mutral friends with someone that means that friends are both friends with the same person .

Why do i haven't a mutual friends?

i do have a mutral friend if you dont add one

How do you delete a facebook friend?

go to that friends profile and in the bottom right hand corner there should be the option to delete this friend. go to there profile on the left side, scroll down past their friends and mutral friends and it will say in gray letters suggest friends and unfriend, click unfriend,

What is the difference between a Facebook friend and a Facebook fan?

a facbook friend means :: you have a friend on facebook a facbook fan means that:: you love facebook

What is an invitation to be a friend on Facebook mean?

It means somebody on facebook wants you to join facebook and be their friend!

What does mutral respect mean?

shut up, woman.

How can you find out who added who as a friend on Facebook?

When someone adds you as a friend on Facebook, you have the option of accepting their friend request. When you send out a friend request, you are notified by Facebook if that request has been accepted.

How to know with whom my friend is chatting in Facebook?

There is no way to know who your friend is chatting with on Facebook unless the friend shares the information with you.

How do you unlike a post on Facebook by someone who is no longer a friend?

You can't. Facebook does not support unliking a post on Facebook by someone who is no longer a friend

Does Robert Pattinson had Facebook?

yes he does he is my friend on facebook