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The medical phrase is "myoclonic tremor". It is caused by either an injury or condition that affects the nervous system, literally the nerves. Myoclonic tremor is often from a spinal injury. Myoclonic refers to the frequency and quality of the tremor, e.g. fast, slow, rhythmic, etc. Myoclonic can be further distinguished as tonic or clonic, which refers to the degree of musle rigidity that occurs during the myoclonic tremor. Note that the words jerk, jerks, or jerking are offensive to a person who has tremors.

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What medications are used to treat Opsoclonus myoclonus?

Treatment of the symptoms of opsoclonus myoclonus include clonzaepam or valproate. These may decrease the severity of both the opsoclonus and the myoclonus.

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Diagnosis is primarily arrived at through identification of concurrent opsoclonus and myoclonus.

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Nocturnal myoclonus-- A disorder in which the patient is awakened repeatedly during the night by cramps or twitches in the calf muscles. Nocturnal myoclonus is sometimes called periodic limb movement disorder (PLMD).

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Treatment of myoclonus is rarely entirely successful. The patient is likely to have some residual myoclonus even with the most successful treatments. Nonetheless, treatment may reduce frequency and severity

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Myoclonus describes the sudden involuntary jerking of a muscle.Nocturnal myoclonus

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to move spasmodically or convulsively; jerk; jump

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In children, the most common type of tumor that precipitates opsoclonus myoclonus is called neuroblastoma.

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