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The moon is one.

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Q: What is a natural satellite of earth?
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Is a natural satellite of earth?

The only natural satellite of the Earth is - the moon.

What is a natural satellite that revolves around earth?

The Moon is Earth's natural satellite.

What is the largest natural satellite orbiting the earth?

The only natural satellite orbiting Earth is the moon.

What is moon?

Any natural satellite that revolves around a planet. Our Moon is Earth's only natural satellite and the fifth largest satellite in the Solar SystemThe moon refers to the natural satellite of the earth that is usually visible at night.

Is the moon a satellite of earth?

Yes, the moon is a natural satellite of the Earth.

What is little satellite of earth?

The moon is the only natural satellite of the earth.

What is the earth only satellite?

The Moon is the only natural satellite of the Earth.

What is the moon to earth?

The moon is the Earth's only natural satellite.

The moon is a natural what of the earth?

the moon is a natural satellite of the earth

What is the Moon's natural satellite?

The Moon is the natural satellite of the Earth. The Moon does not have satellites.

What is the earth a satellite of?

Earth is a natural satellite of Sol, the star that we call the Sun.

What is a natural saterllite?

A natural satellite is an object that orbits something else. For example Luna (the moon) is a satellite of earth while earth is a satellite of the sun