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8h ago

One example of a natural wood that grows slowly is ebony. Ebony trees are known for their slow growth rate, which contributes to their dense and durable wood. This makes ebony a sought-after material for high-end furniture and Musical Instruments.

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Q: What is a natural wood that grows slowly?
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What is in wood that makes it burn slowly?

Wood burns slowly due to its carbon content, which undergoes combustion to release energy. The cellulose and lignin present in wood break down at a gradual rate, contributing to the sustained burning process. Additionally, the density and structure of wood play a role in regulating the speed of combustion.

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What is Wenge wood?

Wenge is considered an exotic wood, also known as Panga-Panga (depending on where it grows) it grows mainly in Zaire, Cameroon and Gabon. Trees grow to about 60Ft, it drys very slowly and great care should be taken to avoid surface checking, the wood is stable in service, has high bending strength and is noted for it's shock resistance, it also has high abrasion resistance and the reason for use in flooring, it's excellent for turning (wood-lathe) and sculpting, it is also used for veneering.