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Q: What is a necessary condition for the conversation of momentum?
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Law of Conversation momentum?

When two or more Physicists gather for leisure activities, the conversation turns to momentum, whereas as soon as a certain threshold duration has been exceeded, the conversation then runs out of momentum.

What does conversation of momentum mean?

Conservation of momentum means that momentum is a constant and the change of momentum or force is zero.

What is necessary condition for the conservation of momentum?

No external forces. Objects may bounce off each other, or merge but the total momentum is unchanged even when the total energy changes.

What conversation states that the momentum of an object before the collision is equal to the momentum of the object after the collision?

That law is called, precisely, the Law of Conservation of Momentum.

Is the law of conversation of momentum one of the newtons law?

The law of conservation of momentum is implied by Newton's laws of motion, but is a more succinct statement of them.

As a rotating cloud collapses its rate of rotation?

The law of conversation of angular momentum.

When one variable increase while the other variable deacreases is a statement indicating an inverse relationship?

No. That condition is necessary but not sufficient.No. That condition is necessary but not sufficient.No. That condition is necessary but not sufficient.No. That condition is necessary but not sufficient.

Does angular momentum requires an inertial frame?

nope...itz not necessary that the frame should be inertial....the only necesarry condition is that the TOTAL EXTERNAL TORQUE acting ABOUT THE REFERENCE AXIS should be ZERO...

What is angular mementum?

Angular momentum is the moment of momentum, a conserved vector quantity used to state the overall condition of a physical system.

What does the law of conversation of momentum mean?

The law of Conservation of Momentum is the result of The Law of Equilibrium, Force equals zero. When Force is zero, Momentum is constant, dP/dt = f = 0. dP/dr = 0 gives P = k a constant.

What condition is necessary for process to be adiabatc?

The condition that does not heat to enter or leave the system.

What are condition necessary in producing heat?
