

What is a network collision?

Updated: 12/16/2022
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14y ago

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Let's imagine 3 people with very similar voices, trying to communicate. If two of them start talking at the same time, the third person would hear a mixture of their voices and not understand a thing. This person will usually say "hey, not together! One of you must wait, while the second talks!"

A similar thing happens with, say, 3 computers on one LAN segment. Computer A wants to send some information to computer B, and computer C wants to communicate with computer B also. The rule is, that if one device is transmitting, other devices listen, and wait for the transmission to end, before they start transmitting themselves.

But it may happen, that after a period of "silence", computers A and C decide to start "talking" at the same moment, and their signals collide on the network. The procedure is, that if they sense that a collision took place (by listening to their own transmission and "hearing", that the signal gets distorted), they both stop sending signals and wait a split second. The ingenious thing is, that each one waits for a randomly chosen time length, and hence one will restart transmission sooner - and will be able to finish, because the rule is "one talks, rest listens".

The physical nature of a collision. Network communications happen by means of electrical signals. Putting it simple, when a device is "talking", it forces a series of voltage changes in the circuit. If two devices want to force a different series of voltages in the same circuit, the result will be rubbish, because each will try to force their voltage, one counteracting the other. Each device, as I said before, listens to what it is transmitting, and if it senses, that the voltage in the circuit is different to what it was trying to force (in other words - that the transmission is getting corrupted) - it knows, that a collision is taking place and they should stop, and wait for a random period.

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It signals to the network that its data was damaged in a collision, waits a brief period of time before checking the network for activity, and then retransmits the data.

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Lan switches eliminate collision domain. A single collision domain in a network would mean half duplex as it can only send or receive at one time. each port of a switch is considered a collision domain in itself. so more the number of collision domain , better for the network.

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When using network switches, each port on the switch is its own collision domain.

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It signals to the network that its data was damaged in a collision, waits a brief period of time before checking the network for activity, and then retransmits the data.

What happens in csma CD when a node detects that is data has suffered a collision?

It signals to the network that its data was damaged in a collision, waits a brief period of time before checking the network for activity, and then retransmits the data.

What is collusion domain?

A computer network can be segmented physically but also logically. A collision domain is one of the logical network segments in which the data packets can collide to each other. One of the most common protocols used when referring to a collision domain is the Ethernet protocol. Collision domains are often referred as 'Ethernet segments'. The term of 'collision domain' is also used when describing the circumstances in which a single network device sends packets throughout a network segment and forces every other device in that network segment to pay attention to those packets.

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You can't eliminate collision in a broadcasting domain. What you can do is to increase the number of collision domain within a broadcasting domain by using more switches. this will improve your network traffic because the more the collision domain, the better is your network in terms of data transmission performance.