

Best Answer
  • koala
  • quoll
  • tree kangaroo
  • cuscus
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Q: What is a nocturnal marsupial which lives in trees but not is a possum?
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When do New zealand possums sleep?

The nocturnal possum sleeps in the day up trees. This is actually the Australian brush tailed possum.

How will climate change affect the leadbeater possum's habitat?

Leadbeater possums need trees that range in age from 150 years old and up. Climate change has damaged or killed the trees in which this possum lives.

What does Arboreal marsupial mean?

Arboreal means tree-dwelling.Herbivorous means feeding entirely on plant matter and vegetation.A marsupial is a pouched animal.Therefore, "arboreal herbivorous marsupial" means a marsupial that lives in trees and feeds on plants. An example would be the koala.

What does arboreal herbivorous marsupial mean?

Arboreal means tree-dwelling.Herbivorous means feeding entirely on plant matter and vegetation.A marsupial is a pouched animal.Therefore, "arboreal herbivorous marsupial" means a marsupial that lives in trees and feeds on plants. An example would be the koala.

A prehensile tail helps this marsupial hang on in trees where it lives?

Some species of Australian possums have a moderately prehensile tail.

What is a marsupial that has sharp teeth and a ferocious nature help this marsupial hunt in trees?

The quoll has sharp teeth and tends to be a tree-dwelling marsupial.

Why do ringtail possums use trees?

Trees provide a possum's needs - food and shelter.

Do wallabies hibernate?

No. The only truly hibernating marsupial is the Mountain Pygmy Possum, which lives in the Alpine country in the southeast: no members of the kangaroo family (including wallabies) hibernate.

What is a tree dwelling nocturnal animal animal?

The opposum dwells in treesand is nocturnal. The owl dwells in trees and is nocturnal. That's two.

Koala amount of water?

The Koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) is a tree dwelling, herbivorous, mostly nocturnal marsupial mammal and is indigenous to Australia. They live in eucalyptus trees and eat exclusively, only a few types of gum leaves from which they get all nutrients and water requirements.

Why is the Leadbeater's possum endangered?

Leadbeater's Possum is classified as threatened under the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988 of Australia. After the devastating Black Friday bushfires of 1939, it was actually believed to be extinct, and was only rediscovered in 1961.Like many Australian animals, Leadbeater's Possum is endangered because of habitat loss. Leadbeater's possum is found in Victoria, and is the faunal emblem of that state. The possums nest in the hollows of old trees, preferably those in excess of 150-200 years in age, but drought and the increased number of bushfires in recent years in Victoria has reduced the numbers of such available trees. Further, many of the remaining trees that are suitable are in Victoria's prime timber production area. There are efforts being made to re-establish native forests with enough old trees to support the possum's habitat needs.Since the Black Saturday bushfires in February 2009, which devastated majpr habitat areas for this marsupial, the population of the Leadbeater's Possum is believed to be less than 1000.

What does possums eats?

a possum eats fruit and eucalyptus (Greater Glider), insectivores (Mountain Pygmy Possum) and nectar-feeders (Honey Possum). In the wild, they eat young shoots, leaves, flowers, nectar and fruit of a variety of trees