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Cofactor is a non-protein, inorganic enzyme helper. An example of a cofactor is metal ions.

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A non-protein helper of an enzyme molecule is called a cofactor or a coenzyme. These molecules assist in the enzyme's activity by aiding in the catalytic process. Examples include metal ions like zinc or magnesium, and organic molecules like NAD+ or coenzyme A.

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Q: What is a non protein helper of an enzyme molecule called?
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What factors affect enzyme activity?

Temperature - too cold the enzyme will still work but slowly, too hot and the enzyme will become denatured . As temperature increases, the kinetic energy of the molecules increases so they move around more, meaning that there are more collisions between the enzymes and substrate molecules and therefore more reactions. pH - different types of enzymes work best in different pH environments. A change in pH interferes with the shape of the enzymes active site (where it bonds and reacts with substrate) and therefore does not fit the shape of the substrate as well so the enzyme is unable to work on the substrate. enzyme and substrate concentration - how many there is of each. Changing the concentrations of enzyme and substrate concentrations will affect the number of collisions between them and therefore the number of reactions. enzyme inhibitors - these are molecules which bind to enzymes, reducing their activity (many drugs are enzyme inhibitors). co-factors - these are chemical compounds which bind to enzymes and which are needed by the enzyme to work on substrate molecules. They are often called helper molecules.

How are helper t cells activated?

Helper T cells are activated when their T cell receptor interacts with an antigen-presenting cell that has processed and presented a specific antigen to them. This interaction triggers the helper T cell to proliferate and differentiate into effector cells that help coordinate the immune response. Co-stimulatory signals from the antigen-presenting cell also play a crucial role in activating helper T cells.

Do helper t cells have a cell membrane?

All cells have a cell membrane.

Are lymphocytes that coordinate cellular and humoral immune responses?

T helper cells

Why would a disease that destroys helper T cells also compromise the humoral response?


Related questions

What is a non-protein helper of an enzyme molecule called?

A non-protein helper of an enzyme molecule is called a cofactor. Cofactors can be either inorganic ions (like metal ions) or organic molecules (like coenzymes) that assist enzymes in catalyzing chemical reactions.

What is the relationship between coenzymes and vitamins?

An enzyme is a protein molecule that acts as a catalyst to speed up the rate of a reaction. A coenzyme is an organic molecule that serves as an enzyme helper (aka cofactor). A vitamin is a group of unrelated molecules used in the making of certain coenzymes. Like enzymes, cells use inorganic cofactors, coenzymes, and vitamins repeatedly until these molecules are worn out or destroyed.

Why co factor more stable than enzyme?

Co-factors are often ions or molecules that are necessary for the enzyme to function properly. They are stable because they are usually inorganic, with strong bonding that makes them resistant to denaturation. Enzymes, on the other hand, are proteins that can be denatured by changes in pH, temperature, or other environmental factors, making them less stable than inorganic co-factors.

Which term refers to a macromolecule that attaches to an enzyme and plays a helper role in catalysis?

A cofactor refers to a macromolecule that attaches to an enzyme to assist in catalysis. This can be a metal ion or a coenzyme.

What is a magicians helper called?

A magician's helper or assistant is sometimes called a famulus.

What is a kings helper called?

The name of a King's helper depends on where they reign. A common name for this helper is Governor.

Why are helper t-cells required in an immune attack?

Helper T-cells play a crucial role in coordinating the immune response by activating other immune cells such as B-cells and cytotoxic T-cells. They help regulate the immune system's response to foreign invaders, ensuring an effective and targeted attack on pathogens. Without helper T-cells, the immune system would not be able to mount a strong and specific defense against infections.

What is a student helper called?

accomplice, helper-in-crime

Is a CD4 molecule also a type of antigen?

No, a CD4 molecule is not an antigen. CD4 is a protein found on the surface of helper T cells, a type of immune cell that plays a crucial role in the adaptive immune response by helping to coordinate immune responses. Antigens are molecules that can be recognized by the immune system, such as proteins on the surface of pathogens or foreign substances.

What is anAn organic compound that serves as a helper molecule in a variety of chemical reactions in the human body?

Vitamin :)

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a helper

What was Bart simpsons pet dog named?

Bart's dog is called Santa's Little Helper. Funny name!