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Q: What is a normal koala weight?
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about .5g

How much does a baby koala weigh at birth?

The weight of a koala joey is dependent upon its age. When first born, a koala joey weighs 0.5 grams. By the time the young koala is 13 weeks old, it weighs an average of 50 grams. As it grows, its weight naturally increases until, as an adult, a northern-dwelling male koala weighs up to 9kg (female 7.5kg) and a southern male koala up to 15 kg (females 9 kg).

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How much does an young kola weigh?

If Its a normal koala, Then it probably weighs 9-33 lbs.

Can normal weight teens get type 2 diabetes?

Yes, a normal weight teenager (or a normal weight person of any age) can develop diabetes type 2.

What is the normal weight for 185 cm height?

52-55kg is normal weight for 155cm.

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Normal weight for a pug would be from 14 - 18 pounds.

What planet makes you weigh double times your normal weight?

You would weight more than twice your normal weight on Jupiter.

What is the weight of a koala?

The average weight of an adult male koala varies according to where it lives.Male Koalas found in the northern parts of Australia may weigh up to 9 kg, or19.8 pounds, while southern male koalas weigh up to 15 kg, or 33 pounds.

What is a normal five year olds weight?

The normal weight for a five year old is about 18-19kg.

What is the normal weight for a 5' 7 woman?

the normal weight is between maybe 150-160 maybe.