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Q: What is a normal tactile fremitus findings?
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Related questions

Why is fremitus increased over areas of consolidation?

Increased fremitus over areas of consolidation occurs because the consolidated lung tissue becomes denser and conducts vibrations better than healthy lung tissue. This increases the transmission of vibrations from the bronchi to the chest wall, leading to increased tactile fremitus felt during palpation.

What is 99 in medical terminology?

When the examiner asks the patient to repeat "99" while palpating the upper back, s/he is testing for consolidation or pneumothorax in the lung by feeling for tactile fremitus.

What are main causes of vocal fremitus?

The main causes of increased vocal fremitus include conditions like pneumonia, lung consolidation, and lung tumors. Decreased vocal fremitus can be caused by conditions such as pleural effusion, obstructed bronchus, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

What is orbital radiography's normal findings?

Normal findings will show the bones of the orbit intact, and will show similarity between the orbit that is being studied and the unaffected orbit

What does abnormal findings mean?

The finding are not normal (what they should be).

What is the palpable vibration through the bronchopulmonary tree to chest is called?


When sighted individuals run their fingers over the raised letters of Braille their visual centers do not show increased activity Explain these findings?

These findings suggest that the brain may have developed an ability to process tactile information separately from visual information in individuals who are proficient in reading Braille. The tactile information from the fingers is directly processed in the somatosensory cortex, which is why visual centers do not show increased activity during Braille reading for sighted individuals.

What is a normal reading for pleural biopsy?

Normal findings indicate no evidence of any pathologic or disease conditions.

About tactile the learning style?

what does tactile learning mean

What are tactile details?

Tactile details are sensed by touch.

What are tactile texture?

Tactile Texture is texture that you can feel.

What is tactile communication?

tactile communication is touch basicaly :d