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a baby star in like some other language

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Q: What is a nubula?
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Is Nubula brighter than stars?

Nubula does not exist.

What does alo nebula comotupeltu cescelida?

Alo nubula comotupeltu cescelida

What three things are in the stellar nebula?

A nubula is a gigantic cloud of dust and gas; mainly of hydrogen and helium gases.

Why are supernova considered factories for the production of heavy elements?

Many Supernova explosion is a result of a nebula the Nubula was the reason why we have a sun 5 billion years ago and today.

Why are nebulae important?

Nebulas are important because they form stars. One well known nubeula is the Eagel Nubula which is depicted in one of NASA's most famous images.

What is a spinning cloud of gases?

a cloud of glowing gas and dust is called a nebula

What are the stages of the stars life?

Nebula- protostar- Main Sequence Main Sequence- Red Giant- planetary nubula- white dwarf- black dwarf Main Sequence- Red Supergiant- supernova explosion- Nuetron star or a black hole

How do you get to the Omega from the Citedal in Mass Effect 2?

Steer the Normandy to a Mass Relay, jump to the Omega Nubula. It should land you in the Sahrabarik System. Omega is in this system, but it's a station not a planet (look for the crosshairs pointing it out)

What are the stages of a stars life?

nebula then protosar then red dwarf, yellow star or a blue giant then a red giant then a red super giant then eithr a white dwarf or a supernova from the supernova a black hole or a neutron star if it is a white dwarf it turns into a black dwarf then a black holeNebulaBaby starStarGiant or supergiantWhite dwarfBlack dwarf

How can you relate the different colors of a campfire to the temperature of a star?

The color of a star depends on its surface temperature. Our Sun's surface temperature is about 6,000 Kelvin. Although it looks yellow from here on Earth, the light of the Sun would actually look very white from space. This white light coming off of the Sun is because its temperature is 6,000 Kelvin. If the Sun were cooler, it would give off light more on the red end of the spectrum, and if the Sun were hotter, it would look more blue.