

What is a one-celled animal?

Updated: 8/9/2023
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12y ago

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Jimmy Mueller

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2y ago
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15y ago

Single-celled animals are known as protozoa.

An amoeba is protozoan, and probably the organism with which most students are familiar. Others include paramecium, euglena, and chlamydomonas, but the list is long.

Click the Related Links to see an alphabetic list and pictures of all known single-cell animals.

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11y ago

Prior to the current classifications of single celled organisms, there was scientific community consensus (as published in school Biology Texts) that there existed (prior to the Amoeba/Paramecium) a single-celled multi-kingdom eglena (now most refs. as euglena in the plant kingdom) that is both kingdoms in one cell.

That is to say, The Original Single-cell held keys to; become algae (current euglena) or amoeba (able to feed self, mobile) and in either case could reproduce without a second cell or self seeding.

Today the classification of terms such as euglenoid movement, eukaryote (also spelled eucaryote,) and the Greek glene (pron. marks over each e) which means "Eyeball" in American English.

There is no current evidence that any of these one-celled Animal-Plants have either been found or investigated. (lol = ..."...working on PENIS.")

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13y ago


  1. Bacteria
  2. Germs

You get it, huh? To put it more scientifically...

Microscopic animals; cannot be seen to the naked eye. Microbes, for example, are tiny animals which cannot be seen without a microscope.

From Ella(xandria)

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10y ago

By animals you could be referring to any living thing, lets use Darwin's 'Origin of Species and natural selection' to be a guide. Then the answer would be a positive 'Yes' starting with single celled bacteria, single celled 'ocean plankton' even a human fetus starts out with one egg cell that rapidly divides itself continually until birth. And I'm probably leaving something out but I think your basic question has been asked and answered.

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16y ago

A single cell animal is an animal with only one cell. They are also called Eukaryotic.

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12y ago

a one celled animal is called a


A one-celled animal in the Paramecium

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13y ago

Protozoa like the Amoeba and Paramecium were traditionally considered single celled animals although most biologists now classify them in a separate kingdom.

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15y ago


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