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It is a product that claims to ensure a negative result on a drug test. Many are considered scams.

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Q: What is a one day detox drink?
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Is there anything that can detox your body in one day?

There are a variety of things you can do detox or cleanse the body many people will fast for a day or part of the day , drink lots of water , and drink smoothies made with raw fruits and veggies. Consult your health care professional before attempting a detox or diet plan.

Is the marijuana detox drink only good for one day or does it permanently detox your body?

Its only good for one drug test if you decide to smoke again you will need another detox I know from experience

How can you detox from marijuana in two weeks?

There is a2 week detox system that can be purchased from gnc. And also a 2 day detox drink

I smoke everyday multiple times a day would the omni detox drink clean my system in one day for a drug test?


What are the guidelines for lemon detox diets?

You should be on the cleanse for at least five days not to exceed fourteen days. You need to drink six to nine glasses of the Lemon Detox drink a day. The sea salt drink in the morning and the laxative senna tea at night with one to two liters of water through out the day. Do not exercise or eat any meals or snacks while doing the detox. And if you have health ailments you should not do this detox.

How long does it take to detox marijuana?

one day, using Pineapple juice as your drink the whole day without any solid intakes.

Does the ultimate blend original detox drink?

Does the original detox drink really work

What is the purpose of doing a colon detox?

The purpose of doing a colon detox is to get ready for a colonoscopy. You drink a mixture of fluids and it cleans out your colon the day before the procedure.

How do you clean you urine in one day?

Drink abunch of triple leaf detox brand's super cheap and if you drink a box or 2 of the stuff within a short time frame like sun down to sun up then you will not only detox but you will also get a high/trippy feeling

What can you drink to get crack out of your system?

Lots and lots of water I know this may sound hard but do a full one day detox where you drink fruit juce and vegetable juice raw self made only

Can you refrigerate detox drink?

No, you can not!!

Do you need detox if you drink 6-8 glasses alcohol a day?

You may need to go to an AA meeting if you drink 6-8 glasses of alcohol a day. Depending on your bodytype and gender a 6-8 oz glass of one is considered one alcoholic beverage, while a 12 oz beer equals one. If you are a male you should consume no more than 2 a day and 1 a day for females. Depending on your age and medical history, you may or may not need detox.