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Q: What is a one syllable word meaning left out?
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Is sweat one syllable word?

Sweat, meaning perspiration often with a foul odor, is a one syllable word. Sweet, meaning something with a sugary taste, is also a one syllable word.

What one syllable word means to get bigger?

A one-syllable word meaning to get bigger is "grow".

How do you divide the word Left into syllables?

The word is all one syllable.

What is a word with one sylable called?

A word with one syllable is called a monosyllable- mono meaning one.

How many syllables are in the word weigh?

There is one syllable in the word "weighed" because it is pronounced like its homonym "wade" meaning to walk in shallow water.

Is crumb a one syllable or a two syllable word?

Crumb is a one syllable word.

What five syllable word can you take away one syllable and leave no syllable?

no word it isn't possible because if you take away one syllable from a five syllable word you get a four syllable word and there is no such thing as a "no syllable word"

Is out a one syllable word?

Yes. It is a one syllable word.

What is a word with one syllable?

Why Yes, "what" is a word with one syllable.

Is the a one syllable word?

Yes, the word "the" has one syllable.

Is this a one syllable word?

Yes, this is a one syllable word.

How many syllables are in the word tongue?

The word talked has one syllable.