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Q: What is a parabolic dune?
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What different types of sand dunes are there?

crescentic dune linear dune star dune dome dune parabolic dune

What is the difference between a barchan dune and a parabolic dune?

barchan dunes open away from the wind while parabolic dunes open facing the wind

Why are the arms of a parabolic dune following and not leading the bulk as they do at a Barchan-Dune?

Parabolic dunes have trailing arms because the arms are usually 'held back' by surface vegetation. The vegetation acts to limit sediment transport by wind action and to consolidate the surface sands.

What does go parabolic mean?

What is parabolic mean

Is there a difference between a parabolic reflector and a parabolic dish?

no there is not

When was Dune - Dune album - created?

Dune - Dune album - was created in 1995.

What is the synonym for parabolic?

The synonym for the adjective parabolic would be parobolical.

What is a desert dune?

A desert dune is a dune formed in a desert

What is the advantage of parabolic reflective antennae?

parabolic reflector having highest directivity.

When was Hadley Parabolic Bridge created?

Hadley Parabolic Bridge was created in 1885.

When was Raymondville Parabolic Bridge created?

Raymondville Parabolic Bridge was created in 1886.

What is parabolic motion?

a parabolic motion is a motion of an object in a curved path when it is launched...