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Q: What is a peasant worker bound to the area of land held by the lord to whom he owed service in return of protection?
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How do you get lumber in Warcraft 2d?

"Once you have your main building created, you are able to harvest lumber by selecting a peasant or peon, and right clicking on a nearby tree. The "worker" will then automatically chop lumber and return to your hall once said worker has its maximum capacity of lumber, than return to cut more."That is only correct for normal Warcraft, not Warcraft 2D.Geez, you must be fairly dumb. You just click a peasant and click a tree!

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A peasant being reborn as a government worker.

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The red was for the Bolsheviks. Their motto was Workers and Peasants, Unite! (A peasant is a farm worker.) The hammer is a tool of the worker and the sickle a tool of the peasant.

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Once a doctor give the patient the all clear, then the worker can return to work.

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A peasant is, by definition, an agricultural worker or farmer. It is the meaning of the word.

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This derives from the word "el campo", which means "the countryside" or "the field". "Campesino" means "field worker" or "farm worker" or "peasant".

What is another name for social service worker?

Another name for a social service worker could be a social worker or a community support worker.

What is a medieval farm worker?

A medieval farm worker was typically a peasant who worked on a lord's estate in exchange for protection and a plot of land to farm. They performed various tasks such as plowing, planting, harvesting, and tending to livestock to support their family and the feudal system. Life for medieval farm workers was difficult, with long hours, limited rights, and reliance on the land for survival.

Is a waitress a community service worker?

No , its not community service as it is a pay job!