

What is a pedical in a plant?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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11y ago

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1. a small stalk bearing a single flower of an inflorescence; an ultimate division of a common peduncle

2.Stem of one flower in a cluster.

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Q: What is a pedical in a plant?
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What is a pedal on a flower?

i know you are thinking what i used to think about what a pedicel is "a pedical is a certain thing on a flower" well it is not it is just a fancy name for stem so there you have it bye. by kimberly

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Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps Plant crops and earn xps

What plant is flowering plant?

it is a plant that reproduces

Is angsana plant an aquatic plant?

No,it is not. The angsana plant does not grows in the water so therefore,the angsana plant is not an aquatic plant.

What is a nectaring plant?

A nectaring plant is a plant that produces nectar, a sugary liquid that attracts pollinators like bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. These pollinators visit the flowers to feed on the nectar and in the process help with the plant's reproduction by transferring pollen between flowers.

How do the roots of a plant help the plant?

The root of the plant delivers nutrients, food for the plant, and water to help the plant to survive.

Where do you find the plant cell?

Plant cells are literally everywhere on a plant. Plants are a collection of plant cells and without them, a plant wouldn't be a plant. Plant cells are needed everywhere on the plant in order for the plant to survive and reproduce.