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Penguins shelter in the liquid sea, which in the Southern Ocean is warmer than the ambient air.

On land while breeding, male penguins gather in creches and move in short steps within the creche to stay warm.

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9y ago

A penguin has no real shelter. They are out in harsh and cold environments and survive by huddling together in large groups.

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Where do penguins get shelter?

penguins have no shelter they all just huddle up and take the harsh weather

What is the mac penguins shelter?

They have no shelter. They live out on the ice.

Were's the penguins shelter?


What do antarctica penguins use for shelter?

Penguins that breed on Antarctica's beaches -- these sea birds live at sea otherwise -- huddle together for shelter.

What kind of shelter do penguins have?

they live in Rookerys.

What shelter does the south pole provide to penguins?

penguins need cold to to survive but some dont

How do penguins hide from predators?

penguins hide from shelter by diving in the water or hiding in deep holes

What is an Emperor Penguins shelter?

Emperor Penguins don't shelter themselves, because they keep warmth in harsh winters by including their Young's in huddles so the Young's don't freeze.

How do penguins get shelter?

Penguins do not build or utilise structures commonly thought of as "shelter". Instead, during cold winters, penguins huddle together in a large mass to stay warm, with young penguins safe at the center of the pseudo-shelter.

What kind of shelter penguins seek in?

gaps between ice

What are penguins home and shelter?

a penguins shelter are their surrounding penguins! huddling in a large circle, penguins use each other's body heat to keep each other warm. after about half an hour, they switch positions, the inside penguins moving to the outside, and the rest taking a few steps inwards. It's an amazing sight.

What do pengens do?

Its penguins they just act like animals Food shelter water