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A person who does not like humanity may be called misanthropic or misanthrope.

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Q: What is a person called who does not like humanity?
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There are many words used to describe a person who is friendly and respects humanity. Words such as respectful and ethical are just a couple. The person can also be described as dignified.

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The four goals of psychology (description, explanation, prediction, and control) help humanity by advancing our understanding of human behavior and mental processes. They contribute to improving mental health, treating psychopathology, and enhancing overall well-being. However, they may potentially hurt humanity if used unethically or in ways that violate individuals' rights or dignity.

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People who study humanity are called anthropologists. They study human societies, culture, behavior, and origins in order to understand the complexities of the human experience.

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There ain't no studying "The Apocalypse" since it is supposed to be the end of the world. When we say "the end of the world" we mean the end of humanity. Humanity may well destroy itself, but the world, the planet, will continue without us as it has continued without many, many species that have come and gone.

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a person who does a good deed is called a goodsmariton. like the story in the gospel

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