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Q: What is a person who teaches a belief that a religious authority thinks is false?
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What is a person holding a religious belief or philosophy that is not Christian?

That person is a non-Christian.

How would a persons religious belief be challenged by atheism?

Atheism is the absence of belief of god or gods. If a religious person stops believing in god, then they essentially stop being religious.

What does priest mean?

a person who has the authority to lead or preform religious ceremonies

What is a 'pious person'?

A pious person is generally a deeply religious person, seriously devoted to his belief system (or one who 'puts on a show' and pretends to be.)

What do you call a person who has no belief in any any religious belief of any sort whatsoever?

They can be classified as either atheist or agnostic.

Who is a person that teaches?

A person who teaches is a teacher

What is the job of the religious Jews' belief?

If this question is asking what the function of religious Jew's belief is in the perception of a religious Jew, the following is an answer. If it is not, please rephrase and resubmit the question. Jews believe that the religious laws given by God are his way of molding the person into the ideal person in harmonious communion with God and bringing God's will into the world.

How do you convince a person to respect someones religious beliefs?

you can convince some to respect a person's religious belief is by listening to the persons story or if you don't want to listen gently tell the person to stop

What are opinions about how God is a belief?

OpinionReligious belief leads one to have faith there is God and religious belief is the unquestioning acceptance of a religious dogma in the absence of proof. God requires faith. The essence of religious belief is faith.OpinionOn the other hand, there is no evidence that supports God is only a "belief." Religious belief leads one to have faith there is God, but belief in God can also lead one to seek religion. Religious fundamentalists may rely on dogma in the absence of proof when it comes to believing in God, but atheists also hold a BELIEF in the non-existence of God by employing no less dogma. Believing that God exists in the absence of direct observable evidence obviously requires faith. No one can say for sure what is the "essence" of religious faith when faith itself varies from person to person.

How does religion forge your personality?

OpinionIf by "religion" you are refering to a "born again" experience (Jn. 3:3 and 5), then it is the basis of my life. The way I view the world. The way I treat other humans, regardles of race, creed, or color. James said it best in James 1:27..."Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep onself unstained by the world."OpinionAny particular religion teaches a person its particular world view: how to think, what to think and what not to think. It teaches its particular view of what is right and what is wrong and sometimes teaches you that anyone who isn't part of your particular sect is your enemy. It encourages people to judge one another according to their particular religious beliefs. It sometimes teaches that the members of your particular sect are superior to all others. It sometimes teaches you to help other people regardless of their belief or non-belief, or it includes mandatory religious proselytizing along with its help. It often teaches that people who have no religious beliefs are repulsive, damned, doomed, licentious and have no morals. Some religions teach love and some teach hate that divides humanity. Religion can have a monumental effect on a person's personality or a less significant one. But anything that teaches the things mentioned above helps forge a religious person's personality.

How can views become religious?

Sure. There are many things in life that might affect a person's outlook and belief--reading another person's views included.

What is the homonym for the word principal?

The homonym for the word principal is "principle." "Principal" typically refers to a person in a position of authority, while "principle" refers to a fundamental truth or belief.