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Q: What is a phenomenon of a circular belief that audiences seem to endorse?
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In the early 1980s, U.S. doctors began to notice a strange phenomenon. The phenomenon known as 'Elvis Presley' still lends credence to the belief in visitations from other planets. Don't miss the next episode of "Dancing with the Stars" or you'll miss a visual phenomenon.

What is scientism?

Scientism is the belief that only scientific phenomenon can explain the processes of the universe; it goes against desism and thesism beliefs.

What is ufology?

UFOlogy is a word coined to describe the research of and combined efforts of those researching the UFO phenomenon. Contrary to popular belief, however, UFOlogy as a word does not solely describe those in favour of UFO's as Extraterrestrial Spacecraft, but rather an umbrella term relating to all studies of the phenomenon itself, irrespective of belief or stance on the subject.

What does Copernicus explain?

he explains the heliocentric model of our solar system, which states that all planets revolve around the sun in an circular orbit, contrary to aristotles belief, and the supposes belief of the catholic church at the time, being that the earth was the center of the universe!

What kinds of information that is testable now but in the past was pure belief?

Many areas of science are now testable, but were subject to superstition or religious belief in the past. One very simple belief that seems obvious to us now is the fact that the earth circles the sun, easily demonstrated with modern astronomy. Yet in the past, it seemed perfectly obvious that the sun circled the earth. A similar belief would be our recognition that the earth is circular. In the past, belief in a flat earth seemed to be common sense.

What is the difference between belief and attitude?

Attitude can be considered the sum of beliefs. A person can have many beliefs about a phenomenon (positive and negative). This person will have an attitude toward that phenomenon based on the overall evaluation of her beliefs. (Refer to Ajzen, I., 1991. "The theory of planned behavior," Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Elsevier, vol. 50(2), pages 179-211, December.)

What are demonic UFO's?

The UFO phenomenon originates from ALL of the same source, they are ALL alien ,they are ALL Demonic, they are ALL Angelic too. The reason for this is because they present themselves differently to different people, depending on the persons belief system.

What is a Russian belief?

A Russian belief is foremost the belief of Truth, it is a belief of honesty and what is right.

Analyze in some detail what accounts for the power of myths in religion, with specific attention to Taoism and Shinto?

the basic ignorance of man,fear improper understanding of feelings and emotions accounts for power of myths. the belief in periodic or circular nature of nature---taoism.

What is superstitios belief?

supertitios belief regarding heavenly belief

What is the possessive of belief?

The possessive form of the noun belief is belief's.

If your mind keeps giving déjà vu what does that mean?

Déjà vu is the feeling that you have been some place before or experienced something before, even if you haven't. It is French for "already seen." It is a normal phenomenon, though people with temporal lobe epilepsy experience it more often. Certain medications may also increase this phenomenon. People with alternative belief systems may consider déjà vu to be a carryover from reincarnation.