

What is a pick that miners use?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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13y ago

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geologists hammer or rock pick if your thinking about hand samples.

A giant hydraulic hammer on a drilling platform if your mining.

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Q: What is a pick that miners use?
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They all use a Pick.

What tools did miners use for gold?

They used: pick axes, spades, pans and cradles.

Why do coal miners use a pick axe?

Coal miners use a pick axe to break up the coal seams and remove the coal from the earth. The pick axe allows them to chip away at the coal and break it into manageable pieces for extraction.

What equipment do prospecters use?

Miners or prospectors will need a mining pick. You can get one from any Trade Goods vendor or mining supply vendor. You can also use the pick as a weapon if you are attacked while mining!

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Gold miners.

What type of equipment do miners use?

hand axe, shovel, small pick, wheelbarrow and large axe look on google for some more this is just a few of them.

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tye miners lived in tents

8 inch pick with hammer head on one side antique it Looks like a miners tool What was it for?

Geologist hammer-pick

What do miners use?


What is the blunt end of a hammer or miners pick?

It's a railroad pick axe with a handle guard that helps prevent over strike damage.

What utensils did the miners use?

bro the miners used nothing bro nothing bro

What was the equiptment the gold miners had to use?

They had to use a Pickaxe