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Platypus live alongside (but not "in") in freshwater creeks and rivers. They live in burrows they dig along the banks of the creek or river that they use as a food source.

The entrance is usually disguised by overhang from the riverbank, or by tree roots and/or other vegetation. They are difficult to see, which is precisely what the platypus wants.

Burrows can extend into the soft earth for up to 33 metres (100 feet). The female digs a burrow with a chamber at the end where she lays and incubates her eggs.

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12y ago
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13y ago

A burrow

During breeding season, a female platypus's home is a chamber at the end of a long burrow. This is also the home of the young platypuses for the first few months of their life.

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14y ago

Platypuses live in burrows that they dig in riverbanks and creek banks. During breeding season, the female digs an extra chamber at the end of her burrow to incubate the eggs.

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10y ago

A platypus's house is made of earth. Platypuses live in burrows that they dig on the banks of freshwater creeks, rivers, lakes and dams. The female digs a chamber at the end of a long burrow where she shelters her young.

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11y ago

Platypuses lay their eggs in a chamber at the end of a burrow they dig in a riverbank.

They do not lay their eggs in the water.

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