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"Children", "Women" and "Fish" are plural words that do not end with an 's'. There are many more.

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Q: What is a plural word that doesn't end with s?
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All musical words that end in O add an S to form the plural (altos, solos, pianos).

Is music a plural word?

No, but you can make it plural by adding an "s" to the end.

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The word pod has an 's' at the end. This means that pods is a plural word.

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To make "Johnson" plural, simply add an "s" to the end of the word, resulting in "Johnsons."

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To indicate possession when a word is plural, you generally add an apostrophe after the "s" at the end of the word. For example, if you have "girls" as the plural form, the possessive form would be "girls'" (e.g., "the girls' toys"). However, if the plural word does not end in "s", you would add an apostrophe and then "s" to show possession (e.g., "the children's books" for the plural form of "child").

Is childrens a regular noun?

No, the plural form 'children' is an irregular pluralnoun (there is NO 's' at the end of the word).A regular plural noun is a word that is made plural by adding an 's' or an 'es' to the end of the word.An irregular plural is a word that is made plural in some other way.The word 'children' is the plural for for the singular noun 'child'. The plural is formed by adding 'ren' to the end of the word (not 's' or 'es'); a irregular plural form.

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The plural form of the word "therapist" is "therapists." To make it plural, you simply add an "s" to the end of the word.

How do you make the word aluminum plural?

Add an 's' to the end.

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add an 's' to the end of the word

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To make the word 'request' (as a noun) into its plural form, add 's' at the end of the word: requests.

What is the plural possessive of the noun children?

The children's clubhouse is the correct plural possessive form.When a plural noun does not end with an s, the possessive is formed just like a singular noun that does not end with an s; add an apostrophe s ('s) to the end of the word.

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The plural of "iPhone" is "iPhones". You simply add a -s to the end of the word to make it plural.