

What is a pollen producer?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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13y ago

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A bee or butterfly is an example.

Or a flower...

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Q: What is a pollen producer?
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Is pollen a producer?

Yes, it is a producer because it produces pine seeds. In fact, pine seeds pretty much make up the whole pine cone.

What is the part of a plant that is a pollen-producer?

In flowering plants, ANTHERS produce the pollen. Anthers are held by a FILAMENT and together the two form a structure called a STAMEN. A stamen is part of a flower.

What are the male and the female part of a plant called?

The male part is the stamen, which is the pollen producer, and the female is the pistil, the pollen receptor. Female: pistal, style, ovules, and stigma Male: stamen, anther, filament, pollen

Functions of anther?

The male part of the flower has a thin stalk with an anther at its tip. The anther is made up of pollen sacs which contain pollen grains. The male reproductive cells in the pollen grains fertilize the egg and the fertilized egg develops into a young plant.

Is a honey bee a producer or a consumer?

Honey is not a producer, but it is produced by honey bee's. The bee's make the honey by in-jesting nectar and pollen and soon making the pollen/nectar into honey.

Is a flower a producer or consumer?

Flowers are producers. They produce 3 integral elements:pollennectaroxygenThey produce pollen that gets collected into pollen baskets which are little hooks on bees' legs. They produce nectar since it is a sweet liquid that bees love to feed upon and in that manner by going from flower to flower they pollinate other flowers. Flowers themselves don't produce oxygen alone but the plant they are a part of does. It uses photosynthesis to feed itself. The by-product is oxygen which it releases into the atmosphere.

Is bees a producer consumer or a decomposer?

Yes it is a consumer. It does not produce it's own food using sunlight. It collects pollen from other plants and takers it to it's hive were it then makes honey.

What is the function of pollen grains?

Matured pollen grains contained sperm cells. When Pollen grains are sticky, you have pollen. Pollen grains are contained in the pollen sac, with the purpose of helping plants reproduce.

What the function of the pollen grains?

Matured pollen grains contained sperm cells. When Pollen grains are sticky, you have pollen. Pollen grains are contained in the pollen sac, with the purpose of helping plants reproduce.

What is another sentence with the word pollen?

I hate pollen! Pollen is annoying!!

What is pollen rate?

There is no such sense of a pollen "rate," but there is of a pollen count. Which means the average pollen grains in a cubic meter!

After the pollen grains land on the stigma what begins to grow from a cell in the pollen?

the pollen tube