

What is a poodles class?

Updated: 11/14/2022
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12y ago

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In dog shows poodles are classed as Non-Sporting. This is a catch-all for various breeds that do not fit into such basic categories as working dogs, Hound Group, terriers, etc. Bulldogs are also classed as Non-Sporting.

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Where are poodles most popular?

Poodles are most popular in rome i think. I think that they are more popular there because they seem more gently or educated dogs usually they are the high class dogs usually people that live in rome are more of the high class persons ans poodles are most popular there poodles are also kind of a higher class dogs because of their fur their fur is very but very soft they are one of the dogs that don't leave hairs on floors or carpets or sofas that's why they are in the higher class dogs.

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Poodles are really cute because of their fur obviously they come from a higher class dog their fur is really soft and comfy and cozy.

Are toy poodles really poodles?

Yes. Toy poodles are really poodles.

What are are facts about poodles?

Some poodles can be mean. They are not good with children unless they are professional poodles.

Where did poodles orignate from?

Poodles originated from Germany.

How much do poodles way?

How much do poodles WEIGH first of all. On average toy poodles are 6 pounds On average standard poodles are 55 pounds On average Mini poodles are 15 pounds. GL with your dog

Are Toy Poodles French?

No, poodles are from Germany.

Did poodles originate in France?

No, Poodles originated in Germany.

Are black poodles smarter than white poodles?


Are Poodles smarter than German Shepherds?

yes poodles are smarter. the german shepherd is the third smartest dog, and the poodle is the second, the border collie is first. in my training classes-i'm a trainer-, the poodles are always at the head of the class. they are the most trainable of all dogs too. while border collies are stubborn, poodles want to please. they can be taught many complicated tricks and are good service dogs because they are gentle and bond strongly to their people.

What are poodles affraid of?

Most poodles don't like loud noises. Some poodles are spooky while others are not.

How small can french poodles get?

Poodles are not actually French, they are German. Poodles can be smaller then 8 inches tall at the shoulder