

What is a popular water sport in Acapulco?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What is a popular water sport in Acapulco?
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What sport do they play in Acapulco?

Soccer is the most popular among the population, but Acapulco is a beach resort; as such, it has a wide variety of activities, such as beach volleyball, tennis, basketball and golf; many hotels provide other "sports" like scuba diving, water skiing or horse riding.

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outdoor water sport is the most popular in china ,such as Riding.

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Acapulco Bay is near the city of Acapulco and it is on the Pacific Ocean.

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Mexico, of course.

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Acapulco and Baja.

Is Water volleyball an olympic sport?

Water Skiing briefly made an appearance in the Olympics in 1972 but only as a demonstration sport. It is not a sport in 2012 as well ;_; In order for a sport to be recognized it not only has to be popular but meet IOC Standards.