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the answer must be exponential growth model.

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Q: What is a population in which exponential growth is limited by a density dependent factor?
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In a logistical model exponential is limited by?

A density dependent factor

What is population growth called when resources are not limited?

"unlimited" "exponential"

What are the similarities between density-dependent factors and density- independent factors?

Density dependent factors are factors that depend of the population (density). Such as food, water, and space Density Independent factors are factors that the population (density) depends on. Such as weather, natural disasters and random occurances.

When does exponential growth of a population slow down?

When there are limited resources. when there is competition for resources. apex :)

Describe the factors that contribute to exponential and logistic population growth?

factors that contribute to exponential growth is unlimited resources while factors that contribute to logistic population growth is limited resources.

When does the exponential growth of a population start to slow down?

When there are limited resources. when there is competition for resources. apex :)

How does the availability of resources affect whether a population's growth is exponential or logistic?

If resources are limitless than a population's growth will be exponential. Growth will be logistic in cases where there are limited resources. As the population grows closer to the logistical limit, the overall growth will slow.

Which factors affect a populations growth regardless of the populations size?

density - dependent limited factors

Can any species undergo exponential growth forever?

If there is restrictions on the species population then yes, why not? However if there is a limited to resources or predation then no.

Describe the conditions under which logistic growth occurs?

logistic growth is when a population experiences exponential growth but at a certain point is limited because the population exceeds its carrying capacity.

What is Exponential growth is limited by?

laboratory experiment

What are examples of density limiting factors?

Density-independent factors are environmental factors affecting a population regardless of size, such as temperature and oxygen supply.One Density-independent factors would be the impacts of an earthquake on a pack of wild dogs. The number of dogs does not affect the result of the earthquake upon the dog population. In contrast, drought is a density-dependent factor because more dogs will cause greater competition for limited water resources.or just C. competition