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Where any company acquire morethen 50 % shares in any other company then that company becomes the parent and other becomes subsidiary and it is legal requirement that parent company should prepare the consolidated financial statements for it;s own and all subsidiary companies as a one single document to show the complete picture of company workings

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Q: What is a preparation of consolidated balance sheet?
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Consolidated balance sheet proforma?

There is no proforma for consolidated balance sheet and both normal as well consolidated balance sheets are same with few differences.

Difference between balance sheet and consolidated balance sheet?

Simple balance sheet provides information of one single company only while consolidated balance sheet provides the information of parent as well as child company as a single financial statement.

What is the formula for consolidation balance sheet?

There is no simple formula for consolidated balance sheet but in consolidated balance sheet all assets and liabilities of parent and child companies are joint together to show in one financial statement.

What is the different between condlidated balance sheet and acutal balance sheet?

Consolidated balance sheet shows the record of full group of companies while simple balance sheet shows the record of single company.

How do you consolidate balance sheet?

in consolidated balance sheet all assets and liabilities of parent and subsidiary is shown altogether.

What are consolidated balance sheets useful?

Consolidated balance sheet is prepared by companies who holds one or more subsidiary companies and consolidated balance sheet shows the overall results of parent company as well as subsidiary at one financial statment and helps to make better dicision making process.

Does goodwill only appear on the consolidated balance sheet?

That is correct. Goodwill as an asset appears on the balance sheet of a consolidated company to represent any premium that the acquiring company paid for a subsidiary company that is in excess of the fair value of the company's net assets. Therefore, Goodwill would only show up on the consolidated balance sheet, as the subsidiary's net assets are not reflected on the acquiring company's balance sheet until the consolidation process.

What is the largest single asset in the federal reserve banks' consolidated balance sheet?


Are consolidated and comparative balance sheet same?

1. Comparative balance sheet means to use balance sheet of the competitors with base company to compare that how the company in evaluation is performing against its competitors while consolidated balance sheet is prepared when there is parent and subsidiary companies relationship exists and all the information of parent company as well as the subsidiary companies is shown within one financial statement.

What is the difference between a consolidated and non-consolidated balance sheet?

It is very simple: consolidated financial data: One a parent company posts/files its combined financials that is parent's data as well as subsidiaries data collectively (Summed) that is Consolidated Financials. Non/Un-Consolidated Financials: When Parent company posts/files its financials separately that is stand alone financials of parent and side by side its subsidiaries data.

What is a consolidated balance sheet?

Before its acquisition by Royal equity held a portfolio of trading equity securities that cost $660,100,000 and had a market value of $995,182,000 on January1. Assume that the same portfolio was held until the end of the first quarter of the year. The market value of the portfolio was $980,160,000 at January 31, $940,000,000 at February 29, and $960,000,000 at march 31. 1. Prepare a tabulation showing the balance sheet presentation and income statement presentation for monthly reporting purposes.

Is Loan on balance sheet or off balance sheet?

Loan is on balance sheet