

What is a quick definition of space between particles?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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hyperspace manifold absorbon's, or pure gluon matter.

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Q: What is a quick definition of space between particles?
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What has little free space between particles?

A solid has little free space between particles.

What is in the space between the particles?

The space between molecules is called inter molecular space.

What is the relationship between the amount of space between particles and the state of the matter?

As the space changes between the particles, so does the state of matter.

If all matter is particles what is between the particles?

Between particles of matter, there is generally empty space, as particles themselves are miniscule and tend to have significant gaps between them. This space is primarily occupied by fields like electromagnetic fields or gravitational fields.

What what do the particles of gas have between them?

empty space

What makes up the space in between the particles?

Empty space, mainly.

What is between tha gas particles?

In a gas, the space between gas particles is largely empty. The particles are far apart compared to their size, with a lot of space between them. This allows gas particles to move freely and independently of one another.

What is between particles?

Nothing but the space between particles is called vacuum.

When you get higher in the atmosphere does the Space between air particles decrease?

No. Pressure could be simplified to mean the "space between particles" and because gravity is always pulling those particles towards the earth, the further away from the earth you go, the less air particles there are and consiquently the more space there is.

How does the the space between particles change as energy is lost?

the particles will move closer together

What takes up space between mater and solid?

The space between particles in a solid is occupied by the atoms and molecules that make up the material. These particles are closely packed together but still have some space between them. The space between particles in a solid is very small compared to the overall volume of the solid material.

What does high porosity and low permeability mean?

Porosity refers to the amount of empty space that is between particles of material. When something has a low porosity, it does not have much of this space between its particles.