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Radios are electronic devices which grab signals and turn them into sound. They are composed of electrical circuits and of the various electrical and electronic components that are needed to make those circuits which in turn make the radio itself work.

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9y ago

Radio telescope is made up of large metal dish or wire mesh. It is used to reflect the radio waves to an antenna above the dish.

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What is the difference between a radio telescope and a light telescope?

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How is a radio telescope different from a refracting telescope?

A radio telescope detects light in the form of radio waves and a refracting telescope detects light in the visible wavelengths

Which of these is used in a radio telescope?

Nothing on that list is used in a radio telescope.

How long was the first radio telescope?

how long was the first radio telescope

When was Stockert Radio Telescope created?

Stockert Radio Telescope was created in 1956.

How is radio telescope useful in modern astronomy?

Radio telescope can "see" radio spectrum events and locations in the universe.

When was the radio telescope first made?

The first radio antenna used to identify an astronomical radio source was one built by Karl Jansky, an engineer with Bell Telephone Laboratories, in 1931. Jansky was assigned the job of identifying sources of static that might interfere with radio telephone service.

What tools do a astronmer use?

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What tools do astronmers use?

telescope,radio telescope

Did Einstein create the first telescope?

No. The first telescopes were made by Hans Lippershey and Zacharias Janssen in 1608. Galileo improved their design and made the first astronomical telescope by 1609. In 1611 Kepler improved the telescope further and in 1616 Zucchi designed the first reflecting telescope. The first radio telescope was made by Reber in 1937. So, as you can see the first telescope was made several hundred years before Einstein.

What is the most powerfull telescope?

The most powerfull type of telescope is the Radio telescope. Radio waves travel much further than light waves.