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On average humans can see from about 400 to 700 which is the span of visable light on the electromagnetic spectum.

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Q: What is a range of light frequenies you can see?
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What are some examples of light?

According to the range of frequency of emission light has different colours in different frequenies. Violet. Indigo, Blue, green,Yellow, Orange,Red are the main colours of light.

Why do you see white light?

White light is a mixture of different frequencies, that are within the range of light our eyes can see.

Do human photoreceptors respond to light in the 100-300 nm range?

No. Human eye scan see light int he 390-750 nm range. 100-300 nm is in the infrared range.

The range of colors that makes up white light is called the bright light spectrum?

No. They're called the visible spectrum, the range of wavelengths us humans can see.

The peak of the Sun's energy output is in the visible light range. Is this a coincidence?

No, not at all. The human eye developed to be able to see light in the range that we call visible light because it is at the peak of the Sun's output. If the peak of the Sun's output was in the gamma ray range, then eyes would have developed to be able to see gamma rays.

What form of radiant energy can you see?

Radiant energy in the range of 400 to 800 tera hz, the optical range of light.

What is a very narrow range of wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum that humans can see?

Visible light.

What color does an iron bar turn when you heat it?

The color depends on how hot the metal is and the chemical composition. 100 degress F = no visible change. non-viible light frequenies are used by infra red no-contact therm. other visible light colors progress as this: orange red hot white

The light that you can see belongs to the visible spectrum?

Yes. All the light we can see is in the visible part of the Electromagnetic spectrum. That is a wavelength range of between about 400 to 700 nanometers.

Why do you need visible light?

Visible light is very useful ... and finds an almost limitless range of application ... in the field of helping you see things.

Wavelengths in this range of light are those that humans can see?

If it is between 390 and 700nm (nano meter) then yes.

How many miles away could you see the lighthouse of Alexandria's light?

The range was 29 miles or 47 Kms