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Q: What is a reaction that requires contuses supply of energy?
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What kind of chemical reaction needs a constant supply of energy?

If a reaction requires a constant input of energy, the products are higher in energy than the reactants. This type of reaction is known as endothermic, since it involves an increase in energy of the system. Conversely, reactions that release energy are known as exothermic.

In a chemical reaction what does it take energy to do?

For most chemical reactions, energy is required to supply an "activation energy" required before reaction.

Glycerinated muscle requires the addition of what molecule to supply the energy for muscle contraction?

Glycerinated muscle requires the addition of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) to supply the energy needed for muscle contraction. ATP is essential for the cross-bridge cycling process that allows muscle fibers to contract.

How do you supply activation energy begin a reaction?

Generally, the activation energy is given by heat, so, you must watch carefully the temperature of the reaction, because you can get undesired products in the reaction, or yielding nothing at all.

Why fire is burning up?

First of all the fire that you see is just the light emitted by a chemical reaction called oxidation. This reaction consumes energy, in the form of oxygen and a flammable material such as wood. If either one runs out the fire dies. So in short, fire requires a constant supply of energy and that runs out so fire 'burns up'.

Do enzymes work by providing energy to initiate reaction?

No they do not supply energy to start a chemical reaction, however energy has something to do with it. Enzymes actually lower energy barriers, in other words it reduces the activation energy needed which is the energy absorbed before the chemical reaction can start.

How might you cause an edothermic chemical change to begin and keep going?

To initiate and sustain an endothermic chemical reaction, you can provide the necessary activation energy by increasing the temperature, adding a catalyst, or using light as a source of energy. This will allow the reaction to start and continue in the presence of suitable reactants. Additionally, maintaining the reaction conditions such as temperature and pressure can help sustain the endothermic process.

What is the term for the energy responsible for the variations in the reaction rates of chemical processes?

The term for the energy responsible for the variations in reaction rates of chemical processes is called activation energy. It is the minimum amount of energy required for a chemical reaction to occur.

What is the concept of the dark reaction as it relates to photosynthesis?

The dark reaction as it pertains to photosynthesis occurs when the plant, in the absence of sunlight, continue to supply energy. The dark side of photosynthesis relies upon the stored starches to fuel the energy cycles.

Which electrical test requires the supply to be energized?

Testing of an electrical circuit for voltage requires the supply to be energized.

How much heat does a reaction produce?

The amount of heat produced in a reaction is not fixed. It depends upon the total amount of energy change that has taken place in the reaction altogether. Not only this, all reactions do not produce heat. In some cases we have to supply energy from external sources to get the reaction started.

What type of potential energy can be burned to supply heat?

Chemical potential energy stored in substances like wood, coal, or natural gas can be burned to supply heat energy. This process releases the stored energy in the form of heat when the chemical bonds in the fuel are broken through combustion.